Nourished Woman

Your six month transformative coaching journey.

Do you feel lost and disconnected from the truth of who you are?  Do the days blur into weeks, weighed down by the endless expectations and "shoulds." I know you know deep down that there’s more to life, yet the thought keeps echoing: Is this really it?

You may feel tension in your relationships, sensing that the true challenge lies within—a disconnect from yourself. It’s as if you’re moving through life on autopilot, missing the spark of joy and the feelings of inspiration, possibility and flow that get you out of bed in the morning .

I see you, and I’ve been where you are. I remember the ache of knowing there was more waiting for me yet feeling stuck, unsure of how to access it. Everything changed when I chose to turn inward—to reconnect with the ‘me’ underneath all of the layers and embrace every part of my being on a soul level. The transformation was profound: the more work I do on my inner world, the more my outer world shifts into alignment with my truth.

This work isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. It calls for devotion, self-responsibility, and a willingness to envision something greater for yourself. Through my journey, I’ve discovered how to embody this inner work as a daily practice—a way of being that not only embodies a free spirited playfulness while bathing in life’s highs but also cultivates grace, compassion and curiosity in navigating the inevitable lows that are intrinsically a part of the growth cycle.

The result? A life of deep fulfillment, rich with meaning and a connection to myself and spirit that has been worth every dark night of the soul. If you’re ready to explore what’s possible for you, I’m here to lovingly guide you on this path of transformation.

If this is you, then I’d love to invite you to journey with me as you become the most Nourished Woman

Through our one-on-one coaching sessions we’ll journey inward, getting intimate with who you truly are without all the ‘baggage’ that has been collected along the way. Through intention and accountability the opportunity for transformation of the mind, body and soul is LIMITLESS. 

We’ll take the time to get clear on what it is you truly want for yourself, what are your deepest DESIRES?We’ll explore what’s working and what’s not and craft a path for you to begin your journey of mind, body and soul transformation.

Your Nourished Woman journey includes:

  • Pre-coaching Questionnaire

This is a powerful self inquiry tool to get you started reflecting on what’s working well, what you would like to see for yourself and where the areas for work are and clues to energetic blocks. The transformation begins here!

  • 6 months of transformative Mindbody Coaching

  • 12x 1:1 coaching calls

These coaching calls are held fortnightly via Zoom.  This is where we go deep, setting goals, clearing blocks and crafting a path that is going to help you move into this new way of being. There is enormous power in external accountability and this level of support offers that in a way that will have you feeling supported, inspired and help keep you on track towards making your dreams a reality.

  • Voxer messaging support

Voxer allows me to support you fully throughout our 3 months together.  This is a platform to use in between our coaching calls where you can message any questions, insights, for advice or if you’re just needing a pick-me-up.  We’re in this together, this is a great way to stay connected.   

  • Bespoke Bach Flower Remedy

After our first coaching session I will put together a bespoke Bach Flower Remedy for you based on what your goals are and any energetic blocks we have identified together to support you in your transformation.  I have worked with Bach Flowers for over 20 years and have a passion for how powerfully they can clear emotional and physical blocks from within our bodies.  Your remedy will be sent out within 2 working days of our call and will last approximately 4 weeks.

  • Your investment: $4999NZD (**Payment plan options are available.)

This is for you if…

  • You’re ready to go all in and uplevel life as you know it.

  • You are done living a life based around what others ‘expect’ of you.

  • You are ready to stand in your power and truly own all of who you are.

  • You are prepared to ‘do the work’.  Our one-on-one sessions are empowering and strategic but YOU are the ALCHEMIST.

  • Authenticity is a core value for you.  You want to deeply connect with all parts of who you are at a soul level.

  • You’re ready to uncover and dispell limiting beliefs that are holding you back. 

  • You have an interest or established connection with something bigger than yourself and your open to meditation, prayer and spiritual guidance. 

  • You are ready to fully own and embody your self-worth

“With intention, ritual and consistency, the possibilities are limitless.”  

Book your free 30 minute discovery call if you’re ready to put down the struggle and co-create your most magnificent life!